Update on Village Park opening

Our stunning new Village Park has now taken shape and is already a popular destination, even though it's not yet open to the public while the finishing touches are being made. We are expecting to hear from the Council on the official handover from the developer and opening of Hale Street in the next few weeks.

We plan to organise a community picnic in the park soon after to celebrate, most likely toward the end of March. If you would like to help organise this event please let us know (email chbcommunityalliance@outlook.com or contact Jennie McGhie or any of the Alliance Committee members).

There have been a lot of suggestions about park facilities that people would like to see, ranging from shade, toilets, exercise stations, community gardens and more. It is important to understand that the developer has provided what was required in the original State planning approval, so any additional facilities can only be considered by Council once the park is handed over to them.

The Alliance plans to run a community survey once people have had a chance to use the park for a few months, so that we can provide informed feedback to Lake Macquarie Council on our top priorities. So keep your ideas coming as you take advantage of this wonderful new community facility.